Viltra’s OXCRETE is a 3-stage sewage treatment plant in a single tank concrete structure that uses a biological process to effectively treat sewage. Designed specifically for domestic applications, it is a highly efficient, reliable and cost-effective solution to sewage disposal for domestic applications where
there is no access to a main sewer.

PRODUCT Features & Benefits
– Concrete outer.
– Single tank installation to minimise costs.
– Strong and secure access cover.
– Failure alarm systems as standard and not at additional cost.
– No mechanical or electrical parts within unit.
– Sealed unit with no joints below water level.
– Manufactured from concrete and can be tailored to suit individual sites.
– Very small footprint and easy to install.
– Low maintenance and running costs – (Energy efficient air pump 38-43W)
– Quiet in operation – There are no electrical or mechanical components within the tank. The only
mechanical component is a small air compressor.
– Certified from 5 to 12 PE (Population equivalent).
– Both 95% and 97.5% BOD removal options are available

Company: Viltra
Email: sales@viltra.co.uk