Gerard Duffy
Gerard Duffy, mechanical engineer specializes in renewable energy solutions from 1984, projects including family homes, office blocks, hotels, churches, and public buildings. Mr Duffy introduced heat pumps to Irish customers in 1987 to heat existing radiators and new underfloor heating system. The new Eurotech Eco4 Light, overfloorheating system opens the door to retrofit heatpumps successfully in any existing building. Passionate about spreading the good news about geothermal heating. Gerard played an important role in the Geo Fit project at Galway University, using 18 No. geothermal boreholes to provide the energy for two heat pumps designed to heat the Olympic swimming pool. Gerard says, the most efficient heating system is the one that uses no energy, heat pumps offers a path to reduce energy while Solar power decarbonizes this solution.
Sunday 19th May - Daikin
Geothermal Heat Pump & Using Solar PV Power
Discover the Life Cycle Benefits of Geothermal - Come along and discover the New Geothermal/Air hybrid heat pump, 70% lower heating cost and 30 year’s operating life, achieves record breaking SCOP. 1. Under Floor Heating ground source heat pump efficiency, COP 4.6. 2. Over Floor Heating ground source heat pump efficiency COP6.1, learn more. 3. Hybrid Air & Ground source heat pump seasonal efficiency, SCOP 6.5 4. Hybrid heat pumps that connect to more than one energy source and switch over automatically. 5. Lawn collectors to supply energy to Heat pump. 6. Eco4 Light, floor heating & cooling systems using geothermal heat pumps. 7. Bore hole collectors offer heating and free cooling using geothermal heat pumps. 8. Smart controls manage heating and cooling from one smart sensor in each room. 9. Combi heat pumps provide free hot water when making heating or cooling for the house. 10. Smart hot water boilers use mini heat pumps to heat water, dry laundry and cool the Larder. 11. Heat pumps that run on solar power to heat, cool, and make hot water. 12. Smart solar link automatically to run the heat pump when everybody is out and about. 13. Smart battery systems to store solar power in summer and night rate power in winter.
Saturday 18th May - Daikin
Geothermal Heat Pump & Using Solar PV Power
Discover the Life Cycle Benefits of Geothermal - Come along and discover the New Geothermal/Air hybrid heat pump, 70% lower heating cost and 30 year’s operating life, achieves record breaking SCOP. 1. Under Floor Heating ground source heat pump efficiency, COP 4.6. 2. Over Foor Heating ground source heat pump efficiencyCOP6.1, learn more. 3. Hybrid Air & Ground source heat pump seasonal efficiency, SCOP 6.5 4. Hybrid heat pumps that connect to more than one energy source and switch over automatically. 5. Lawn collectors to supply energy to Heat pump. 6. Eco4 Light, floor heating & cooling systems using geothermal heat pumps. 7. Bore hole collectors offer heating and free cooling using geothermal heat pumps. 8. Smart controls manage heating and cooling from one smart sensor in each room. 9. Combi heat pumps provide free hot water when making heating or cooling for the house. 10. Smart hot water boilers use mini heat pumps to heat water, dry laundry and cool the Larder. 11. Heat pumps that run on solar power to heat, cool, and make hot water. 12. Smart solar link automatically to run the heat pump when every body is out and about. 13. Smart battery systems to store solar power in summer and night rate power in winter.