Self Build and Renovation Mortgages

PRODUCT Description
At EBS, we know how much it means to find ‘the one’ – that perfect house you can call home. We know that it’s a big step too, and at times you may get ‘the fear’. You might ask yourself ‘Am I really going to save for a mortgage?’ But that’s okay. Because our team are here to offer you advice and to help you make your first (and second) moves. We’ve been around since 1935; that’s a lot of mortgages. And our aim is still the same – to help as many people as possible to own their own home, and to save for the things they want.
PRODUCT Features & Benefits
• Cash flow is crucial during a self-build so we have an interest only option available for the first 12 months or until Final Valuation, whichever comes first.
• Joint mortgage sole title is available.
• Flexible stage payments
• Up to 100% of the cost of the build may be funded where the site is owned or gifted.
• Professional fees (Solicitors/Engineers) and connection fees (ESB/Irish Water) can be included in your Mortgage amount – not all lenders will cover professional fees in mortgage loan amount.
• For those trading up, we may allow customers retain their current home if specific affordability criteria are met.
• Home Insurance through Allianz:
o We offer free course of construction insurance cover for the first year of self-build (fire, storm, and flood on buildings) Not PI cover. This tends to cost c. €1,000.
o We don’t require flood or subsidence cover.
o Properties under renovation covered with ‘Fire, Storm & Flood’ cover whereas previously these cases would have been restricted to ‘Fire Only’ cover.

Company Name: EBS