Elastochem Spray Foam Insulation

 Elastochem Spray Foam Insulation

PRODUCT Description

Elastochem Spray Foam Insulation & Coatings is manufactured in Canada and has 38 successful years of trading. In Ireland GMS Insulations distribute their range of products and has over 20 years experience in the construction industry , Elastochem is only supplied to highly trained accredited contractors

PRODUCT Features & Benefits

Delivering a constant supply of softened water, non-electric, twin cylinder

PRODUCT Technical Specification

Up to 50% more energy efficient than more conventional Insulations

Airtight solution for greater performance

Breathable product which will not trap moisture in timbers

Expands to fill all voids and unusual shapes

Fully certified to Irish Building Regulations

Company Name: GMS Insulations Ltd

Website: www.elastochem.ie

Email: info@elastochem.ie