Bacteria Removal Filter – UV Lamp (UV-05/06-GAL)

PRODUCT Description
One of the effective ways to treat microbial contaminated water is through the use of UV light filters (ultraviolet water filters). Eco-friendly, UV light sterilizers provide one of the safest ways to disinfect water, without the need for chemical disinfectants. The filtered and UV treated water tastes better as chlorine or other harsh chemicals are not used in the process. A prefilter housing with 5 micron filter cartridge included with the UV lamp ensures pure filtered water for drinking. Ultra violet UV filters are widely used in the food and beverage industry.
PRODUCT Features & Benefits
Cost effective
Low energy consumption
Minimal space needed
No chemicals required
Deactivates bacteria and other organisms like: Algae, Cholera, Coliforms, Cryptosporidium, Dysentery bacilli, E. coli, Fungi, Giardia, Hepatitis B, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Salmonella, Streptococcus, Some viruses

Company Name: Perfect Water Systems