
Declan Smyth

European Stoves and Fireplaces

32 yrs experience in fireplace and heating trade.
We are Distributors to the fireplace trade in ireland and offer call outs to spec fittings for retailers. We have to International managers from Dru fires( Holland) and Solution fires uk joining us on the stand for the weekend of show.
Thank you for asking us.

12:00 - 12:45

Sunday 19th May - Daikin

Decorative and heating appliances

European Stoves and Fireplaces

Visitors will learn about the difference between electric, gas (bio) and wood burning stoves(carbon neutral). We will go through the pros and cons of each type of fuel and energy type of electric fires, wood burning stoves and high efficiency gas bio fires. We will explain in layman's terms about all of the above to hopefully suit the visitors needs. Q&A even after the time period, one to one.

4:30 - 5:15

Saturday 18th May - Daikin

Decorative and heating appliances

European Stoves and Fireplaces

Visitors will learn about the difference between electric, gas(bio)and wood burning stoves(carbon neutral). We will go through the pros and cons of each type of fuel and energy type of electric fires, wood burning stoves and high efficiency gas bio fires. We will explain in layman's terms about all of the above to hopefully suit the visitors needs. Q&A even after the time period, one to one.